Okay Sun has a new sim and they call it Call and Text International Sim. I never knew it will waste 2.5 hours of sleeping time talking to their Customer Service people.
So for a 1 peso per text this is surely something you can not by pass specially if you are a frequent texter abroad. I bought this Sun sim and put it on my phone. Texted a mobile in another country but never got a reply. So what I did was, load a 150 peso credit and called the number. Error message so I tried it again and sane error message. The number is valid because I always call it using my Onesuite voip account.
I called their customer service and talked to someone who said she needs to transfer me to a person who has access to these things. After a few minutes of explaining everything, the girl told me that my balance is currently 116 pesos only. I told her why I got charge and how can I be sure that my next call will go through and I was cut in the middle of my sentence.
So I called again and this time I made sure to get the name of Sun customer service representative and her name was Canz. She is helpful but misinformed. She told me initially just like the previous 2 persons I talked to that the rate for the country I am trying to call is $0.20 which as far as I know is really $0.30. Again like the previous 2 CSR's, she apologized for the wrong information she gave me. So I repeated my concern and yet again I was cut. I am starting to think that they are hanging up on me.
Of course I called again and this time talked to Giovanni and asked if he can transfer my call to Canz and he said he will just try to assist me. I told him I am tired repeating my concern over and over again and I will appreciate if he can transfer me instead. He said he will but he needs my name and phone number (for the nth time) and then he said he will transfer me to Prepaid Customer Service deparment. I said "huh? well what department is this, the one I am calling right now? He said, "its the prepaid customer service department sir" "So what is the difference" I replied. He said something I didn't understand but I just said go and transfer me.
Now another CSR and his name is Percy. This time I asked for supervisor but also told him him that surely there will be no supervisor around. Lo and behold I was right because he came back after he supposedly try to lok for one but can not find any supervisor around. So I just requested to transfer to Canz but he said its not possible because he or she might be on a call. I told him what if she's not on call? He just repeated his answer that he or she might be on call. Then I am positively that he hang up on me so I called again and luckily I got Percy on the line again. He was suprised to get the same person and he said there might be a problem on their system. So even though I am tired because its already 2 am in the morning, I repeated everything I said for the 4th time and was informed about these things:
For international calls you will get charge even if:
The number is not valid. For example you dial 0012345678900
The number you are tring to call is busy
The number you are trying to call didn't answer
Now I asked why the balance is 116 pesos if the rate to the country I am calling is $0.30 (14 pesos) per minute. Surely it doesn't add up. If I got charged for the 2 calls at 1 minute each then my balance should be 122 pesos instead. PErcy said he will file a report for the missing 6 pesos and I was trying to expalina and tell him something when theline suddenly...yes again for the nth time...the line was cut.
I checked my call history on my mobile and noticed my call durations for calling their hotline was always 15 minutes. So I called again and this time I got Kevin. I told him why I was getting cut every 15 minutes and he said theres a time limit on their system so if they're talking to a customer and 15 minutes is up, systme will automatically cut the line. WHAT A RIDICULOUS POLICY HUH? And they don't even inform their customer. I was cut 4 or 5 times and nobody informed me. And they call themselves customer support?
So AGAIN I repeated everything I said andmade sure to watch my call duration and finish everything before 15 minutes is up. I got my ticket number and told to call them back after 3 working days.
Sun Cellular really sucks! My dad tried it a couple of years ago and the signal is inconsistent and now their service and support sucks also, bigtime.
Why impose a 15 minute limit talk time to your system that it will automatically cut the line even though the customer is not done yet with his concern? Now instead of spending only 20 minutes on the phone with their CSR I spent about 2 hours for calling back and forth. Also their CSR are misinformed about their products and rates and 5 out of the 6 persons I talked to doesn't know the countries and their respective rates.
I am using SMART for 5 years now and been a Globe subscriber also before. Of course those two telecom companies has their own hiccups too but none compare to Sun Cellular which I was barely a subscriber for a couple of hours and yet experienced this. I am very much contended with the VoIP I am using with Onesuite.com with rates like 1 peso per minute in North America and 2 pesos to 5 pesos in other countries makes you call more often than usual. But the reason I tried Sun Cellular because of their cheap 1 peso text but I confirmed this morning through chat that the person I texted replied but I never received any from my Sun sim. Argh!!!